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Dollarback provides store owners with a powerful analytics and logging system to track and manage their store credit program effectively. The analytics dashboard gives a clear picture of cashback issuance and redemption, while the logging section maintains a detailed record of all transactions involving store credit.
The analytics section of Dollarback presents key insights into the store credit program, helping merchants measure performance and adjust their strategies accordingly. Currently, the following metrics are displayed:
Total Cashback Credited The total amount of cashback issued to customers as store credit.
Total Cashback Redeemed The total amount of store credit used by customers to make purchases.
Total Transactions The count of transactions where store credit was involved, whether issued or redeemed.
Refresh Analytics: Merchants can refresh the analytics at any time to fetch the latest data.
Currency Switcher: Merchants can view these three metrics in different currencies, ensuring accurate financial tracking across multiple markets.
The logging section provides a comprehensive, time-stamped record of all store credit-related transactions. Each entry is displayed in a structured table format with the following details:
Date: The timestamp of when the transaction occurred.
Customer: The customer associated with the transaction.
Order ID: The unique identifier for the order linked to the store credit transaction.
Type: Specifies whether the credit / debit type is percentage
or fixed
Transaction Type: Defines if it was a credit / debit type event.
Expires At: Indicates the expiry date for the credited store credit (if applicable).
Cashback Amount: The amount of store credit issued or redeemed.
Order Total: The total value of the order for which the store credit was applied.
This logging ensures complete transparency for merchants, allowing them to track every order where store credit has been granted or used.